Connect with Your Writers

Instant delivery of splits, metadata, and insights

Something about how we are in Pilot mode and we are working on getting this out to folks
A picture of the Switchchord app

What writers are saying

John Smith
“Every split sheet template out there feels like a doctors office form.  Switchchord makes it super easy and they capture other things like lyrics. My Publisher loves these split sheets”
John Smith
“Every split sheet template out there feels like a doctors office form.  Switchchord makes it super easy and they capture other things like lyrics. My Publisher loves these split sheets”
John Smith
“Every split sheet template out there feels like a doctors office form.  Switchchord makes it super easy and they capture other things like lyrics. My Publisher loves these split sheets”

Secure Connections and Verifiable Data

Issue easy-to-accept credentials to your writers that model your legal relationships
Invite Your Writers
Enter the terms of a writer's publishing deal. Onboard your writers with a simple email. A credential is created to keep data secure and tamper proof.
Works Automatically Appear in Your Account
A real-time feed to compositions in progress. Access splits, metadata, lyrics, and demos or work tapes. See when works are finalized by your writer.
Take Control of Composition Data
Once the work is finalized, take control of the data and seamlessly populate your internal copyright management systems.

Tired of Spreadsheets and Admin Headaches?

One source of verifiable information. Accessible across your organization
Compositions are your inventory. Missing data means only part of that inventory is on the retail shelves making money. Get everything your organization needs from one verifiable source.

Built with Integrations in Mind

Quickly find or reference data in the web utility. Use APIs to integrate into your workflows
Add team members across your organization
Pull composition data into your internal data stores
Integrate with existing copyright management tools
Update data for works you own using APIs