Empowering the Music
Industry with Digital Trust

We create tools for artists and organizations to create and communicate verifiable data

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What writers are saying

John Smith
“Every split sheet template out there feels like a doctors office form.  Switchchord makes it super easy and they capture other things like lyrics. My Publisher loves these split sheets”
John Smith
“Every split sheet template out there feels like a doctors office form.  Switchchord makes it super easy and they capture other things like lyrics. My Publisher loves these split sheets”
John Smith
“Every split sheet template out there feels like a doctors office form.  Switchchord makes it super easy and they capture other things like lyrics. My Publisher loves these split sheets”

The Music Industry Has an Identity Crisis

The industry is full of identifiers but lacks persistent identities
various music industry identifiers
This alphabet soup of acronyms drives a majority of the payments in the music industry. We enable everyone in the music industry to stay in sync with a single identity for all their identifiers, memberships, and legal relationships.

Our Team and Advisors

Technologists, Leaders in Digital Identity, and Industry Experts.
Cole Founder Avatar
Cole Davis
Founder / CEO
Entertainment Law
Copyright Expert
Decentralized Identity
Peter Founder Avatar
Peter Black
Co-Founder / VP Head of Product
UX Architect
Consumer & Enterprise SaaS
Software Developer
Hieu Tran
Co-Founder / Backend Engineer
Full Stack
Data Science
Machine Learning
Chris Munselle
Artist Relations
Recording Artist
Long Hair & Tattoos
Scott Perry
(Digital Governance Institute, Digital Trust)
David Hughes
(Former RIAA CTO)
Paul Steele
(Triple 8 Management)
Bill Rosenblatt
(GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies)
Tracy Maddux
(Former Downtown Music CCO / CD Baby CEO)
Jonathan Rayback
(Former Head of Engineering Evernym)
Mark Katz
(Former ASCAP CIO)
Prof. Xuan-Thao Nguyen
(UW School of Law, IP)

Pioneers in Emerging Technologies

Unlocking new possibilities with digital identity and verifiable data

Hybrid Legal Contracts

We bring software magic to legal contracts, converting them from boring PDFs and word documents into dynamic workflow tools.

Decentralized Identity & Verifiable Credentials

Decentralized identities are based on W3C and IETF standards, meaning interoperability across platforms. You control your identity and your copyright digital twins.

Blockchain Agnostic

None of our products rely on distributed ledgers or blockchains but we are happy to support use cases and workflows that rely on them.

A Universal Translator for Music Metadata

The legally-verifiable copyright digital twins we create allow you to export music data in any data format for any downstream participant in the supply chain. 

Driving Industry Standards

Not creating a new identifier. Bringing standards together through identity.
We are active participants in all major music and digital identity organizations and love collaborating with others to solve the hardest problems in the music industry. 